Donna Holaday
Former Mayor of Newburyport
Donna Holaday grew up in Marblehead and has lived in Newburyport for over 40 years with her husband Joe. Donna devoted her career to service in helping others through work for the State, non-profits and elected positions. Her first professional position landed her in a state institution where she spent 20 years working to transition individuals with disabilities to community homes and programs. Donna earned two graduate degrees, a M.S. from Boston University and a M.Ed. from the University of New Hampshire to support this work. Then needing a change, she enrolled in law school. After receiving her JD from MA School of Law she received much encouragement to run for office. She served two terms as a City Councilor and then was elected Mayor of the City of Newburyport at a time when educational, capital and infrastructure needs were critical. Donna pulled together a strong team and focused on schools, public utilities, a senior center, harbormaster facility, climate change and resiliency and more. Donna served twelve years as mayor and truly loved the work; she has left an impact in the city she loves.
Donna has held leadership roles in several organizations including the MA Municipal Association, Women Elected to Municipal Office, Governor’s Advisory Council and Policy groups. She recently became a member of Rotary and sits on several boards.